Tuesday, October 9, 2007

HW18 Your least Favorite Blog of the Week

After looking online at www.globalvoicesonline.com I found many of the blogs to be very significant and helpful to the average person. But one blog caught my eye, Sumo Wrestling Takes a Beating by Jens Wilkinson. This post talked about sumo wrestling and how ““Japan’s traditional sport” was being harmed by the influx of “foreign wrestlers” and “Japan’s traditional sport.” It had also talked about a former sumo wrestler,
Asashoryu who had faked having a mental disorder do to criticism but had preceded to go back to his home town and play soccer. I found this blog to have little significance. This Blog I believe had little effect on people and did not help anyone. I also believe that blog was poorly written. It was very short and did not have much detail to it. That is why I believe that the blog Sumo Wrestling Takes a Beating by Jen Wilkinson was my least favorite blog of the week.

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