Monday, October 22, 2007

HW 23 Responding to Virginia Woolf

“With Apologies to Virginia Woolf”
After reading “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf I have gotten the impression that Woolf is a very outspoken and opinionated writer. For example, after she was rejected from the library because she wasn’t a male or wasn’t escorted by a professor she became very angry and said she would never step foot in the library again. And after I looked at this weeks blog on jezebel I found one that I thought Woolf would appreciate. The name of the blog was “A Lifesaver Called Plumpynut" and had talked about how the malnutrition of poor children and women have been killing million of people each year. I think after Woolf read this post she would think that it was unfair that only the children and women where suffering and the husbands and fathers were doing nothing about to help them. I would also think that she would she would criticize the fact that a male has found this new product that is saving millions of lives. She would joke, saying oh of course a male found it, women aren’t smart enough and don’t have enough talent to every make something of this power.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Pretty good-part of this is in Woolf's style.