Wednesday, October 3, 2007

HW 16 Response to Batelle

After reading “Blogs: Humanizing the Face of Corporate American- An Interview with Robert Scoble” (Klein & Burstein 124-134) it allowed me to have a better understanding of what the five things that had made blogging hot (a.k.a five pillars) mean. One- “Ease of publishing” this means that the publishing of a blog is a lot easier and more open for editing than books. Two- “discoverability” means that its a lot easier for other people to discover your blog or product a lot faster because it is posted on the internet for free and is easier to locate. Three- “cross-site conversations” is when you are able to see who has been tracking your link and what they have to say about it. Four- “perm linking” is when you are able to isolate a link that can take you right to a specific post. Five- “syndication” is something that allows you to watch several sites at once which makes it easier for you when you have more than a hand full of links to keep track of. I got the following information from the interview with Robert Scoble.

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