Wednesday, September 12, 2007

HW 5b Applying Graff Ch2 to "I Blog, Therefore I am"

After reading David Kline’s “I Blog, Therefore I am” David admits that he believes that blogging may have a large impact on the death of the Big Media. Newspapers circulation has dropped over the past couple of years to 11 percent since the 1990’s and is continuing to drop at a steady rate of 1-3 percent annually (pgs 239, Blog!) which causes me to acknowledge David’s belief. But I have to argue his beliefs in some ways. Knowing that the percentage of people to read the newspaper has dropped the percentage of people to use the internet has increased. Seventy-five percent of Americans use the internet regularly and with the new technology advancements we have today we are able to post the daily news and other media aspects onto the internet. So the reason why the number of people that read the newspaper has dropped so significantly is because of the new ways to communicate using technology. I understand why David Kline believes that blogging may impact the death of the Big Media but I believe it will have a very small impact compared to some of the other factors.

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